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Don't Be Evil.

The slogan of Google is “Don’t be evil” and has been a key component to their design philosophy. “Don’t be evil. We believe strongly that in the long term, we will be better served — as shareholders and in all other ways — by a company that does good things for the world even if we forgo some short term gains.” This comes from the Don’t be Evil Manifesto in the form of a corporate letter from the Google founders. When a company integrates with society, on as many levels as Google has, it becomes important to maintain positive relationships.

The concept of don’t be evil has come into question over the past decade particularly with how reaching Google has become. Go a day with out Google could be a good challenge and very doable. However try not sending an email, searching for directions or business information for a week! Something so integrated with our daily lives it is important to hold Google to their promise of not being evil. There must be a level of trust maintained between the people and the company.

Taking the slogan “Don’t be Evil” away from the branding of google and placing it in various contexts alters the interpretation of the phrase. Here are some images I captured in order to illustrate how the context of an image can change the understanding of that image.

Connotative: Red suggests anger or negativity with the relation to the word evil.

Denotative: The flatness makes this image about the color.

Prototypical: Red = Evil

Constructionist: Seen as a warning.

Categorical meanings: Negativity rather than a friendly reminder.

Connotative: Eye contact with subject makes the words between the viewer and the individual in the image. Don’t be evil could be a warning in either direction, but with alluding a female presence, male/female roles become the focus.

Denotative: A reminder to the viewer to not be evil

Prototypical: male gaze. Male as the subject of the female gaze.

Constructionist: Performance and acting for the opposite sex with layers of self behind the mask.

Categorical meanings: Gender roles. Performance.

Connotative: Don’t be evil to nature. Being evil by nature. Growth happens when not being evil.

Denotative: Emphasis on “green” or nature

Prototypical: Nature or humans vs nature.

Constructionist: Must remember nature with every decision.

Categorical meanings: Green energy is a critical topic.

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